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PPTX, as a file extension, signifies a compilation of slides designed for presentation purposes, commonly associated with Microsoft PowerPoint editions released after 2004. In contrast, the PPT format was prevalent before 2004. Notably, PPTX stands out due to its XML-based structure, a departure from the binary-based format of its predecessor. Despite this distinction, both PPT and PPTX maintain substantial similarities. They house slides featuring text, graphics, images, and other multimedia elements.
Documents with the .docx extension are typically created using Microsoft Word, particularly versions from 2007 onwards. This format was introduced as an advancement over the older DOC format. The "X" in DOCX denotes XML, signaling a transition from a purely binary structure to a combination of XML and binary elements. This change not only enhances file structure but also facilitates standardization, making DOCX accessible across various programs beyond Microsoft Word.
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